Terms and conditions
Contract of sale – Offer and Acceptance: This web site is here to invite you to make an offer to Style Brands Marketing Ltd (SBMTLD) to purchase. We (SBMLTD)reserve the right to refuse any invitation and will at our own discretion make an offer to purchase. We also reserve the right at that time to advise you of any price changes or differences which may be applicable compared to the web site price.
Property: All goods supplied remain the property of Style Brands until they have been fully paid for. We reserve the right to collect any goods from your premises if those goods have not been paid for.
Artwork: You are responsible for your design and we will proof any print work to you before any item is printed. You may change the design until you are satisfied. However as soon as you have given your approval, if in writing or email or on a signed proof, to proceed that is final and we cannot change the design after this point and you agree to pay us for the work we produce according to that approved design. No Warranty: We make no claims about the suitability of product and you must decide if it is fit for purpose.
Liability Limitation : You agree that our liability is limited only to supply to you the goods you have contracted to buy from us and we are not in any circumstances , however arising, responsible for any loss, of any sort at any time, you may incur as a result of your purchase from us.
Copyright or and Trademarks : All content of this web site is copy right and is owned by us or our suppliers and you agree by using this site you will not use any of its content for any purpose without the written approval of a Director of Style Brands Marketing Ltd Revision : We may change these terms and conditions at any time and you agree we are not bound to communicate any changes with you.
These Terms and Conditions are correct as at 25th April 2019